Livraison standard offerte à partir de 160€ d’achat


Article 1: General Clause

Our sales are subject to these prevailing general conditions over any purchasing terms, except for explicit, written waivers from our end.

Article 2: Contract Formation

The buyer’s transmitted purchase order or any physical or legal entity acting as an intermediary between the buyer and seller is considered an irrevocable order under specified sales conditions.

Our definitive acceptance of the buyer’s order will occur only after our written acceptance or upon commencement of execution. The buyer has a 15-day window from receipt of the order confirmation to make potential modifications or partially or fully cancel their order. After this period, the order is deemed irrevocable. Orders can only pertain to specifically mentioned goods, subject to the availability of our products. The buyer cannot make claims regarding product availability.

Article 3: Delivery – Transport

3.1 – Delivery Terms

Delivery terms will be specified in the order confirmation.
Partial deliveries are permitted. Our delivery timeframes are approximate and begin upon our order acceptance. Any delay less than 60 days does not warrant penalties or unilateral order cancellations.
Regardless of a free delivery to the customer, the merchandise always travels at the buyer’s risk.
A €15 excluding tax free shipping threshold applies for orders below €1500.
It is the buyer’s responsibility to note any issues and address them with the carrier regarding damage, theft, total or partial loss within 48 hours of receiving the merchandise.
Claims regarding product non-conformity must be justified and sent to us via registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within eight days of delivery. Claims beyond this timeframe won’t be considered. Slight differences in quality, color, weight, or finish are not substantial defects and cannot be claimed. In the event of a justified claim, the seller may repair, exchange undamaged merchandise, refund, or issue credit. Merchandise returns require prior authorization by the seller. No returns will be accepted without prior return authorization.

Article 4: Retention of Ownership

The seller retains ownership of sold goods until full payment of the entire price, including principal and accessories. Failure to pay any installment may lead to the seller reclaiming the goods. These terms don’t impede the transfer of risk to the buyer upon merchandise possession, along with any associated damages
The buyer can use goods subject to retention of ownership within their regular commercial activities. In cases of goods deterioration or loss, insurance settlements will belong to us.

Article 5: Price – Payment Conditions – Penalties

  • Price

    Prices are exclusive of taxes and are indicative on the purchase order, becoming firm upon receipt of the order confirmation. The seller reserves the right to adjust prices due to inflation during the season, informing the buyer via regular mail or confirmation in case of restocking.

  • Payement Conditions
    Payment terms mandate cash payment within 10 days of the invoice date unless otherwise specified and confirmed.

  • Penalties
    In the case of non-payment of any installment, other installments become immediately due, even if under special conditions. Additionally, as a penalty clause, the buyer automatically owes interest twice the legal rate and all collection costs on the remaining amount.
    In such cases, we reserve the right to suspend/cancel ongoing orders, reclaim retained merchandise, without prejudice to further damages.
    Any taxes, fiscal duties, or charges under French or importing/transit country laws are the buyer’s responsibility.

Article 6: Point of Sale

Ordered goods are intended for the specified point of sale on the purchase order and cannot be sold or transferred without express seller authorization.

Article 7: Returns and Unsold Goods

Returns, regardless of type, need seller authorization and approval. The buyer must provide a complete return list and nature of the return for seller approval before shipment. Any returns outside this process will be rejected. Returns are at the buyer’s expense.

Article 8: Automatic Termination Clause

Failure by either party to fulfill obligations automatically terminates this contract without prejudice to damages. Termination takes effect 8 days after an unsuccessful formal notice.

Article 9: Dispute Resolution

In the absence of an amicable agreement, any dispute falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of Toulouse courts. Only the French version of these general sales conditions is interpretable; foreign language versions are translations without contractual value.

Article 10: Pricing

For price policy consistency and brand image, it is recommended that, for 6 months post-delivery, articles are not sold below the suggested retail price, except during legal sales or pre-approved promotional events.

Article 11: Trademarks and Models

The buyer is prohibited from reproducing models or trademarks, or sharing information enabling their reproduction. Prior written approval is necessary for advertising elements or PR events related to purchased articles. Advertisements, logos, visuals remain our property. Any usage must correspond to marketed lines and seasons. We reserve the right to modify or replace these visuals.

The signature on the purchase order confirms acceptance of the general sales conditions

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